What Does Media Portray as Beautiful?
I dread taking my annual trip to the grocery store, I try delaying it as much as I can until I need to restock on everything. I try getting in and out as soon as possible. That just never seems to happen no matter how hard I try... I always get tripped by crying kids begging for something their mother's don't want to buy them and old ladies that walk slow as dirt. When it's time to ring out, there's always just one cashier open and the rest fast-lanes. I always exceed the number of items of fast-lane, so I always have to wait in the loooong, sloooow-moving only register that is open lane. While standing there waiting, the cosmopelitan magazine always seem to grab my attention.
The cover of this magazine is Lucy Hale, who plays a starring role in Pretty Little Liars on ABC Family. The last time I checked ABC Family was a family type channel for families to watch and enjoy, especially younger girls. Lucy Hale is an actress that many younger girls look up too and want to be like. Younger girls seeing this magazine at the local grocery store might get the wrong idea on how they have to look or dress to be successful or pretty as their favorite actress. This puts an early insecure pressure on girls thinking they have to be slim weight tiny, cleavage showing, and decked out in make up in order to be beautiful.
This teenage girl should not be worried about her weight. Just because she's not 5'6 and 120 pounds, does not mean she isn't beautiful. She's skinny and has a natural pretty, but today's media has younger girls worried and stressed on their appearance. How far will it go? Until girls are being pressured to starve and become depressed? When will Media realize that money isn't worthed destroying the self-esteem of younger teenagers?!!?!
I agree 100% with your comments referencing that teenage girls should not worry about there weight not to mention the sleezyness magazines try to sell as "looking good". It's ridiculous that teenagers look up to some of these magazines because of this type of exposure as if this is the correct way to portray yourself and if you want to get noticed you should look like some of these young actresses/models in these magazines!!